I finally accepted I was planning it all wrong
The other day I was making a cup of tea in my kitchen and going over my to-do list for the month. The tea was meant to help me relax, because the list was definitely stressing me out. There were mission-critical tasks that had been put on the back burner for too long. These were […]
7 ways to build a stronger LinkedIn profile
leverage the power of your social network to advance your career No matter who you are or where you are on your career path, your professional social media matters. Fortunately, in 7 easy steps you can make LinkedIn a powerful tool in your job hunt and a sustained boost to your online presence. LinkedIn remains the […]
Mistakes that tank a resume
Whether you are looking for your first internship or a senior position, your resume is often the key to that super-critical first impression. Are you making mistakes that could tank your resume? Do you know the key questions to ask if you want to fix them? mistake 1: You underestimate how much a resume matters […]
Balance is about shifting your weight
I want to talk to you a little bit about balance. Years ago, one of my mentors sat down in front of a whole group of us and drew a circle with a bunch of pie slices. Each pie slice represented something important in your life. She said, “assign each slice an area, say, work, […]
My 3 tips for graduating seniors
get started even a single step builds momentum Photo by Clem Onojeghuo No one’s degree is perfect. Especially coming out of these last few years where everything was on fire (metaphorically and sometimes physically). There will be gaps in your education. It’s OK. There’s a whole generation of young professionals right there alongside you. Gaps […]
5 ways to structure your interior design business
There are many different ways to structure a business, and the choice of business formation can have significant implications for the owners in terms of liability, taxation, and management control. In this post, we will discuss some of the most common business formations and the advantages and disadvantages of each. sole proprietorship A sole proprietorship […]